PaulHub explores facebook: "Reopen the Yakima Valley"

what's worse than the mexican dining experiences in eastern washington?

the people of eastern washington!

today paulhub brings you a look into the best of the worst group on facebook: "Reopen the Yakima Valley". this is a group full of freedom loving idiots abiding in yakima, the eastern WA county that has per capita the highest rate of coronavirus cases on the west coast

we are going to start by taking a look on how the friendly folk in the yakima valley enjoy hydroxychloroquine, open carrying, hot dogs, not wearing face masks, paying for things in cash, and how they really, really, really hate the governor of WA, jay inslee.

 healing crystals are sarah's preferred pain treatment

antifa possibly bussed in those kids 

janet's kink is letting her bare face hang free in public

big if true, charlie. i have a buddy who died because he skipped church for 3 weeks straight too

this yakima karen is packin a glock, and she wants to meet the hispanic guy's manager

the people in Reopen the Yakima Valley dont just waste their time posting on internet forums all day - they put their hands to work making some of the finest arts and crafts east of the cascades

here we have an oil painting of donald trump looking down in satisfaction as a younger, more boyish donald trump yeets joe biden so hard that the man loses all the color out his face. perhaps he is using the five point palm exploding heart technique. it should also be noted also that this scene takes place behind a starless american flag with one stripe. i never took any art symbolism classes so the depth and meaning is lost to me, but i'm sure there is a lot here to unpack.

giving and taking knowledge is a cornerstone of Reopen the Yakima Valley. until i found this community, i never knew that credit and debit cards were such a key part of the liberal's plan to overtake american rights. so when places around town starting moving cashless, Reopen the Yakima was having none of it

just wait until pizza hut makes you pay in bitcoin

handling a credit card is literally as unhygenic as eating ass

the dopes in Reopen the Yakima Valley generally play nice, but the heat gets turned up whenever any sort of liberalism is sniffed out 

 pat changed her ways to support BLM after this revelation

when it comes to research and hard science, you wont find a conservative facebook group more informed than Reopen the Yakima Valley

shelley here could write the fucking encyclopedia on herpes

this 86 post thread provides a deep dive into the science of farts

and i think i know how this guy got the name "dusty"

siegie makes the scientific method a part of her everyday life

as we mentioned at the top, if there's one thing the people of the yakima valley hate, its WA governor jay inslee. and bill gates (but we'll get there). here are a few names that the people of the yakima know governor inslee by:

- emperor inslee
- jaydolph hitler
- herr inslee
- ineptly
- kim jong inslee
- idiot inslee
- dimslee
- insbreed
- feckless jay
- jay enslave
- dumbslee

tony i understand that you're mad, but please lets not drag the nigerians into this

timmy i understand that your're mad, but please lets not drag... ummm... tyrael from diablo 2 into this

i wish these guys would drop the violence and take out their anger in a more healthy way. maybe something like oil painting. wait no

in the end, Reopen the Yakima Valley is full of grumpy conservative types who want life to get back to how things were (whatever that entails for yakima). however, there are a few brave citizens who have taken it upon themselves to wake eastern WA up to the secrets that control their lives. today we are going to end with a knowledge bomb from jerad. if you're brave enough to read, you'll find a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end, highlighting how bill gates and jay inslee are conspiring to control out lives with vaccines and microchips. take it away jerad

Reopen the Yakima Valley gets 0 face masks out of 10.

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